A week of winter: Homeschool, Co ops, Birthday Parties.

A week of winter: Homeschool, Co ops, Birthday Parties.

What Are You Excited About This Week?

This week feels so full of promise and possibility! I'm really looking forward to diving into some new homeschooling projects and activities with my little ones. There's just something so special about learning alongside your children and watching those lightbulb moments happen. Optimism and enthusiasm are our superpowers!

One thing I'm particularly excited about is exploring some hands-on experiences. My kids are at the perfect age to start getting curious about how the world works, so I want to nurture that natural inquisitiveness. We're going to meet with friends twice this week for a learning session! One on dinosaurs and the other on reptile handling. The joy of homeschooling is that we get to explore these areas with our kids 🙏🏻

I also can't wait to start a new read-aloud chapter book as a family. There's nothing quite like getting cozy together and losing ourselves in a great story. My oldest has been devouring books lately, so I'm hoping this will be a fun way to keep that reading fire stoked. Any book recommendations from fellow homeschoolers are most welcome!

More than anything though, I'm just excited for the quality time we'll get to spend together this week as we head towards another family birthday for our eldest daughter. Complete with party and piñata this weekend.

Some small changes are coming that I hope will provide a big shift in our rhythm. I've been reading up on Waldorf & Montessori this week which has been so interesting, I’m finding myself leaning towards implementing some new learning styles into our home - and of course will share along the way.  

Don't get me wrong, there will be tough moments and tantrums as there always are. But I know we'll also share so many laughs, cuddles, and beautiful little memories that I'll cherish forever. This homeschooling journey tests me daily but I’m finding that I’m enjoying learning and growing alongside my children.

Enjoy your week, friends

Greta x

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